Monday 8 May 2017

Peter.L's Review #4 Deadpool



The story of a former special forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, diagnosed with liver, lungs, prostate and brain cancer. An individual nicknamed "Agent Smith" from an unknown organisation approaches Wade with promising him abilities that will cure his cancer. After taking part of the rogue experiment Wade is left with accelerated healing powers but leaves him disfigured. Armed with newly found powers Wade hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.


This story focuses on the life of Wade Wilson, a mercenary. To me the thing that makes this movie very interesting is because of the fact Wade "Deadpool" is considered as a antihero, so watching this movie is very refreshing in a sense that this character is not bound by certain hero like morals in other superhero movies. 
Throughout the movie Deadpool is the type of character that cannot help himself but make constant jokes about him and those around him regardless of the situation he is in. Deadpool every now and then breaks through the fourth wall to talk to the audience, this not only adds comedic value but also makes the audience feel apart of the movie.



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