Monday 15 May 2017

Peter T review #4

Peter T Review #4

The 100 (TV series)
by Peter Tran

This Tv series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war which wiped out almost all life on Earth. The survivors are the residents of twelve space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war. There are also people on Earth who survived the war, called "grounders". 100 prisoners are sent down to Earth as they are expendables to see if Earth is suitable for life once more.

Addictive, Dramatic, Romantic and action packed. These are the words which can be relatable to the TV series The 100. At first the dialogue was questionable and it seemed to be a tad slow for my liking, as i stayed on only because the concept of the show was quite interesting. 

I was wowed by the second season as the show started to develop in a more exciting yet sophisticated manner. The storyline moved at lightening speed and the character development also was believable as the transformation between characters were in some cases amazing. This TV show would be one of the highly original and it creates some fascinating dynamics between characters which you don't see in other TV series out there now. 

It's not a perfect TV series as some scenes and dialogue can be a tad cheesy but CW does make pretty cheesy shows out there (Vampire diaries). It is so worth it to stay until the end of season 2, every scene was so compelling and feels important as the thrill for every beloved character isn't safe and you're not sure if they will make it to the end. The investment and care you feel for the characters makes this a TV series worth watching.

Binge on people!!! you won't regret it.


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