Friday 5 May 2017

Karen's Recommendation #4

Orphan Black (TV Series)
By Karen Liong

The show revolves around Sarah, a street-wise woman who spent her life being passed around in foster homes until she was taken in by Mrs. S and her foster brother felix. The story begins with Sarah witnessing the suicide of a woman, called Beth who looks exactly like her. From there, she decides to steal Beth's identity in an attempt to start a new life for herself and her daughter Kira. But as Sarah soon learns, Beth’s life was more complex than what she thought and somehow, Sarah finds herself caught in the middle of deadly organisation. Attempting to survive, Sarah, little by little uncovers more about who she is.

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Exciting & unique! Tatiana Maslany does an amazing job in portraying all the clones who have entirely distinct personalities. Orphan Black is a thrilling TV show that provides us with mystery, action and a few laughs from the creatively portrayed characters. Each episode always leaves you with a bit of a cliff-hanger, bringing you back for the next episode. The relationships between the characters and the clones are effortlessly portrayed and show deep friendships and sacrifices. In particular, my favourite clone would have to be Alison who attempts to keep her clone life (uncovering the truth about the clones) and her family life separate. Her actions and mannerisms and her reaction to dealing with situations brings a touch of comic relief to a thrilling show.

Would highly recommend if you are looking for a show with a bit of mystery and action but nothing too intense.

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Rating: 9/10

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