Tuesday 16 May 2017

Peter T review #5

Peter T review #5

13 Reasons Why (TV Series)
By Peter Tran



Inside a shoebox Clay discovers 13 cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker which has 13 reasons why she committed suicide two weeks earlier. Her instructions are clear: each person who receives a package is one of the reasons why she killed herself, and after each person has completed listening to the tapes, they must pass the package on to the next person. If anyone decides to break the chain, a separate set of tapes will be released to the public.


Unique, addictive, suspenseful. 13 reasons why is a Netflix original TV series. Although it is based for all ages, this TV series can be targeted to parents around the world. It raises vital issues that can inspire valuable discussions between parents and teens. There are two disturbing forces at play throughout the storyline. The first being hannah's downward spiral and the circumstances that instigated it. Serious matters like body image, sexual assault, cyberbullying and sexting are one of the main issues teens go through on a daily basis. The suicide rates for teens are sky rocketed due to the use of social media and internet. Thus 13 reasons why will inform parents and teens that help is always here. Even so, with the dark tone of revenge and blame does make it quite disturbing at times but the storyline and thrill does make it an amazing watch. From the beginning to the end I was hooked in and cared for the character of Clay Jensen, I also wanted to find out who the 13 recipients of the tapes were and why they were on it. Character development was quite good and the acting was believable even though some scenes were quite cheesy, but it is a teen movie after all. 
13 reasons why is a must watch, it gives us an idea of what teens in the 21st century goes through on a daily basis.


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