Monday 8 May 2017

Avinash's Review #2

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Fearing that the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the Man of Steel, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs.

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This highly anticipated movie was received with a mixed review. Some thought it was very bad while some thought it was a good enjoyable movie but, most agree that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, had its problems.

The action scenes in this movie are some of the most iconic and well shot action scene I’ve seen in Hollywood movies and are going to be remembered for a long time. The one where the two superheroes go head to head and the scene where Batman saves MARTHA, stands out the most to me. The whole movie looks beautiful visually, like all of Zack Snyder’s movies do, complemented by yet another brilliant score by Hans Zimmer.

 Ben Affleck, hit the ball out of the park portraying a gritty, aged, Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns version of Batman, Henry Cavill stood his ground reprising the role of Superman along with Amy Adams as Louis Lane. Gal Gadot was excellent as Wonder Women. Her appearance was brief but was a crowd pleaser. This was supported with some great performances by the likes of Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane and Holly Hunter to name a few. However, the performance from the cast wasn’t all pleasant with one glaring hole in the form of Jesse Eisenberg’s version of Lex Luthor.

   Many have come out blamed the grim tone the movie consists of for its failure and as ‘the problem’ of the movie. And I comprehensively disagree with it. The tone of the movie, in my opinion, suits perfectly what it stands for. The story is that of two heroes who has lost their way in their heads and in the public’s, and is now fighting each other, the movie is supposed to be dark and grim. The problem I think with this movie is a fundamental one with the direction of Zack Snyder.

  Snyder’s preoccupation and obsession with creating moments has left the movie without any character of its own. The whole movie is just leading from one to the next perfectly framed, slow motion scene with swelled score with message to the audience that demands them to be awed. The movie lacks scenes which are not just fillers between moments but scenes that helps develops the character’s motivation towards their agendas and scenes that would help the fiction world become a breathing reality in the head of the audience. A sense of location and place isn’t justified in the movie and an awful lot of time is spend looking at screens. The fact that one of the longest scenes take place in an abandoned island between Metropolis and Gotham, which gets destroyed by the end of the scene is a perfect metaphor for the movie. The film takes in so many different locations throughout its two and a half hour run, but I as an audience didn’t felt like I was anywhere.

  Despite the beautiful visuals, some great performances and brilliant action scenes, the movie for me failed as it felt like I was watching a world through a key hole. It was firing blank shots throughout the movie by overusing unearned moments. The movie had a hard time making Louis Lane relevant and consisted of a very lazy Justice League setup. Of course, the fact that Lex Luthor was played by Nicolas Cage from Matchstick Men, didn’t help whatsoever. Yes, it did make a north of $873,000,000 at the global box office, but considering that the two most iconic superheroes of all time were in the same movie, which came out at the peak of comic book movies era, and still fell short of crossing $1B is a short coming.
 I could see people enjoying this movie for its great action scenes and because its Batman and Superman fighting each other! (sort of) A few action sequences in this movie are an entertaining watch, but in no way, is this is good movie.

Rate: 5.5/10 

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