Wednesday 19 April 2017

Peter T. Review #1

Peter's Recommendation Review #1:

Hacksaw Ridge (2016):
by Peter Tran

Summary: Hacksaw Ridge directed by Mel Gibson is a true story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss, as Andrew Garfield. Who during WWII refused to bear arms but was determined to join the army to fight for what is right. He was ostracised and was looked upon as a coward by his fellow soldiers but went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selfless and compassionate acts as he risked his life as a combat medic, without firing a shot from a weapon and ultimately saving 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa.

Review: Intense, hits the feels and leaves you with a sense of pride for humanity. Hacksaw ridge was a intriguing movie about Desmond Doss( Andrew Garfield) who an optimistic character in the movie, from the beginning to the end I was rooting for him to succeed as the world was against his convictions. He was labeled as a conscientious objector as he has been many events during his life to not bear arms during WWII. The first half of the movie show cases Desmond during his training when he joins up for the army. His purpose for joining up was to become a combat medic where he would be able to save lives rather take them during a war where lives are straight up being taken away. This leads to the second half of the movie, the action pack, in your face technique Mel Gibson used to portray the horrors of war in an ironic matter due to the fact that Desmond is the only one not there not killing but saving lives. This movie has really changed the way i view veterans of war forever and i come to respect for what they have done for our freedom.

The True Desmond Doss:

Rate: 9.5/10

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