Thursday 27 April 2017

Karen's Recommendation #3

Arrested Development (TV Series) 
By Karen Liong


The show revolves around the dysfunctional Bluth family. Once a wealthy family due to their real estate developments in Orange County, California, their business goes bust and they find themselves penniless. The Bluth’s move into their remaining asset, the model home where they attempt to solve their money problems.
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Witty & memorable! With a stellar cast, Arrested Development delivers a wacky range of characters and the best part is, they’re not trying to be funny, they’re just a set of mostly clueless characters attempting to figure out how to function in the real world when they no longer have the wealth they used to. Chuck in legal cases and bad business deals in the mix and you have desperate people doing outrageous things to fix their problems. It is a very clever show. Each character is well defined and original, all with real, unique personalities making for hilarious interactions and relationships. You have George Bluth Sr. the father of the family who winds up in jail and his wife Lucille who is a functional alcoholic and often manipulative and cold. They have three sons: G.O.B, who inherited none of his father’s intelligence or motivation and lives to become a magician; Michael who is hard-working, responsible and honest; and Buster who despite being in his thirties is wholly dependent on his mother. George Michael is Michael’s equally hard-working son who is often a little timid. George Sr. and Lucille also have a daughter Lindsay who is only appreciated by her parents for her good looks and acting out in rebellion, marries Tobias Funke who is an “aspiring” actor. Together, they have a daughter Maeby Funke who is quite the con artist and rebel. This dysfunctional family will keep you laughing at their antics as they struggle through daily life!

I would recommend starting from season 1 as you get a feel of the place of each character in the family, their personality and relationships with the other family members. Long running inside jokes and the style and flow of the show are set in the first season. Sadly, season 4 does not meet the same standards as the other season but nonetheless still a great season! After a long break, there are rumours that Arrested Development will be back for a season 5, so stay in tune for more of their crazy antics!

Rating: 9/10

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Tuesday 25 April 2017

Peter.L's review #2 Supernatural

Peter.L's review #2



The series follows the lives of Sam and Dean Winchester. After having experienced and witnessed the deaths of their mother (Mary Campbell) as kids to an unknown entity with yellow eyes, their father (John Winchester) being completely devastated seeks out "yellow eyes" for revenge. While along the way, teach Sam and Dean how to hunt supernatural forces.
The series start off 22 years later, where the brothers receive news that their father has gone missing during a "hunting trip" and decide to go looking for him while fighting evil along the way.


To begin with I find that the story quite basic, yet interesting because the story basically starts off as a quest for vengeance against the "yellow eyes" while later on the series it develops and becomes more interesting, where at the end of the season after killing yellow eyes it develops into another quest where they have to fight off another evil. For example after killing "yellow eyes", in the next season it is basically about Sam finding a way to save his brother from going to hell for making a contract with a demon.

Throughout the series, each and every character are unique in their own way. Especially Sam and Dean, the series especially in season 1 works to heavily depict Dean as a loyal soldier who is always willing to listen and follow accordingly to whatever his father has to say, while Sam is seen as the outcast or the different one, he is always questioning what his father as to what his true motives are and rebelling against him. This remarkably works out for the show as in season 5 it is revealed that Dean is the vessel of the Archangel Michael and Sam is the vessel of the Archangel Lucifer. Sam and Dean's personalities fits perfectly according to their roles as vessels.

Furthermore as you dive in to the later seasons, the series introduces a wide range of supernatural entities from different beliefs and religions. For example early in season 1, wendigoes were introduced which originated from  Algonquian folklore whereas in season 5, Pagan Gods are made known into the series during their conflict with Lucifer. This not only makes the show appear more culturally diverse, it engages the viewers into the folklore behind each and every entity and their origins.



Friday 21 April 2017

Karen's Recommendation #2

Hannibal (TV Series)
By Karen Liong

                                                                      Video Source


Will Graham is a criminal profiler who uses his ability to empathise with anyone to catch psychopaths. He helps the FBI pursue serial killers and enlists the help of psychiatrist Hannibal Lector. But during their partnership, he begins to discover the dark secret of the good doctor. As Will's brilliant but tormented mind begins to empathise with each serial killer, he becomes increasingly erratic. Will he succumb to the darkness?


Warning: artistic, revealing and bizarre staging of bodies. Do not watch if you cannot handle grotesque and gruesome scenes.

 It is a work of art! Hannibal is a brilliant show – intense, dark & eerily beautiful. Each character is created superbly, all playing a part in uncovering the madness of the show – whether they’re part of that madness or they become a victim to it. Kudos to Mads Mikkelsen for playing Hannibal with so much class and sophistication and Hugh Dancy for being able to portray such a complex character. Hannibal is quite a slow paced show with full of intensity and mystery. It is a game of cat and mouse; a case of dramatic irony. Hannibal turns the typical gore-horror genre into something more disturbingly beautiful and psychological. If you are looking for something dark and intense Hannibal should be your first stop!

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Rating: 9/10

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Thursday 20 April 2017

Peter T review #2

Avatar (Movie)
By Peter Tran

Paraplegic Marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) decides to take his brothers place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora after the unexpected death from his brother in a robbery. He was offered a deal which made him attempt to infiltrate the Navi humanoid "Na'vi" with the use of an "avatar" and obtain intel for the corporation in order to learn how to destroy them in order to mine for precious materials scattered throughout the Na'vis villages. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribes and quickly falls in love with a native Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), forcing the soldiers to take a stand and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.
James Cameron's masterpiece!!! It doesn't take long for you to realise just how differentiated Avatar is from anything you've ever seen. The opening scene to the end credits, Cameron has taken us through a suspenseful journey through Pandora through the protagonists eyes. Cameron said, "It took bloody 10 years to make this one" and after watching avatar I can respect and understand why it took "bloody 10 years". I spent alot of time throughout film wondering whether something was shot with a camera or just created from whole computer cloth, it was completely disorienting, but an entirely new experience. The character transformation from beginning to end was what gave this movie life, as the protagonist (Jake Sully) had to emotion or feeling with the Native "Na'vis" ended up falling in love with a native and realising that as an avatar he is free. This movie will move you emotionally and psychologically, it really is a masterpiece and a must watch!


Wednesday 19 April 2017

Peter T. Review #1

Peter's Recommendation Review #1:

Hacksaw Ridge (2016):
by Peter Tran

Summary: Hacksaw Ridge directed by Mel Gibson is a true story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss, as Andrew Garfield. Who during WWII refused to bear arms but was determined to join the army to fight for what is right. He was ostracised and was looked upon as a coward by his fellow soldiers but went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selfless and compassionate acts as he risked his life as a combat medic, without firing a shot from a weapon and ultimately saving 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa.

Review: Intense, hits the feels and leaves you with a sense of pride for humanity. Hacksaw ridge was a intriguing movie about Desmond Doss( Andrew Garfield) who an optimistic character in the movie, from the beginning to the end I was rooting for him to succeed as the world was against his convictions. He was labeled as a conscientious objector as he has been many events during his life to not bear arms during WWII. The first half of the movie show cases Desmond during his training when he joins up for the army. His purpose for joining up was to become a combat medic where he would be able to save lives rather take them during a war where lives are straight up being taken away. This leads to the second half of the movie, the action pack, in your face technique Mel Gibson used to portray the horrors of war in an ironic matter due to the fact that Desmond is the only one not there not killing but saving lives. This movie has really changed the way i view veterans of war forever and i come to respect for what they have done for our freedom.

The True Desmond Doss:

Rate: 9.5/10

Monday 17 April 2017

Peter.L recommendation review #1 Lucifer (2015)

Peter.L's Recommendation Review #1

Lucifer (2015)


Lucifer follows the perspective of Lucifer Morningstar, the lord of hell, who is bored of his life in hell and resigns his throne to come live in Los Angeles. Lucifer runs a nightclub called "Lux", with the assistance of his demon subordinate Mazikeen. Using his various connections and telekinetic abilities he can bring out a person's deepest desires and grant those who seek him favours. After being involved in a shootout, Lucifer comes to discover detective Chloe Decker a person who is immune to his powers. This leads him to become a LAPD consultant, while he attempts to find out why the detective is immune.


Lucifer is an interesting concept that provides people with a very different perspective of what people generally associate with the Devil. Such like how Christians believe the Devil to be a pure evil entity who only lies (the father of lies). Whereas throughout the series it is made evident the Lucifer who never lies and seeks out justice for those wrongly acted upon. This is a very intriguing idea that would appeal to the audience.

Each and every character are unique in their own way. Lucifer acts carefree and gentlemanlike to those around him, when he talks and interacts with others he is always full of confidence but while at the same time being careful to not be too arrogant. Mazikeen is a demon so she enjoys torture and pleasure, later on in the series she becomes restraint and acts appropriately with the people around her. Chloe Decker is essentially the opposite of Lucifer, she is very sympathetic to those around her and is always serious given any situation.

The soundtracks are perfectly chosen and used in the correct scenes. There is a mix of pop, rock and rap that will attract the younger audience.

In terms of visual effects in some scenes it doesn't look as realistic as it should be, but given the budget that the series had to work on it was understandable. As seen below the green screen in the background becomes very obvious and is very distracting from the actual scene occurring



Friday 14 April 2017

Karen's Recommendation #1

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (Movie) 
By Karen Liong


A pair of father and son coroner’s are brought the  corpse of a beautiful young woman. They soon discover increasingly bizarre clues that don’t seem to match up with the state of the corpse. Who is she and how did she die?

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 Eerily creepy! I loved how suspenseful and intriguing the movie was at the start when the coroners began to uncover clues about the body that did not make any sense. However, I would have loved to see more of a mystery unravel and for that mystery to be reviled little by little. That would have continued the suspense throughout the entire movie. Sadly, the second half of the film fails to reach the hype brought about by the amazing visuals and tensions created in the first half. It begins to fall into the trap of being a bit cliché and is paced a little too quickly compared to the first half of the film. However, it is one of the better horror movies I have watched and the first half of the movie really grabs your attention and makes you stay till the end of the movie to find out who woman is, how she died and why her autopsy make no sense.

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Rating: 7/10

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